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5 Reasons for M&A Deal Failure – SmartRoom

5 Reasons for M&A Deal Failure – SmartRoom

Analysts estimate that 2018 is going to be a big year in the mergers and acquisitions market. As we’ve written about before, a Deloitte Consulting survey released in late 2017 showed that more than two-thirds of executives from U.S.-based corporations expect M&A deal flow to increase over the next 12 months. This sentiment is even stronger among the private equity community, where 76 percent expect greater numbers. This is due to a strong economy as well as low interest rates and decreased regulations.

But not every one of these announced deals will go through. In fact, according to a 2017 study by City University of London’s Cass Business School, the number of announced deals that failed to close has been on the uptick. In 2016, that number was 7.2 percent globally, marking three consecutive years of increases. That figure is also the fourth-highest level in the last 25 years.

So why is it that deals fail to complete and what can these firms do to help get them over the finish line? There are any number of factors that can come to light during the due diligence process. Some are pleasant surprises. Others are not so much. Following are five of the top factors.

Target Termination Fees

The biggest influence on whether a deal completes is whether there’s a break fee. This charge is a fee paid to the target firm if the deal fails to close. According to the Cass study, a break fee “reduced the average probability of deal failure by almost 12%.” It goes on to note that acquirer termination fees had no real effect on whether a deal closes or not.

Target and Acquirer Size

A second major influence was the size of total sales of the target as compared to their peer group. Between 1992-2016, 17.4 percent of deals failed when total sales of the target were in the top 10 percent of their peer group. “This is almost certainly because such M&A deals involve so many moving parts…including both internal issues and external difficulties such as a regulatory hitch or a failure to secure financing,” the Cass report states.

Hostile or Not

Some companies are looking to sell or be acquired. Others get surprise bids from buyers that catch them, their employees and investors flatfooted. Those unsolicited bids are between five- and six-times more likely to collapse than solicited deals. In fact, approximately 60 percent of these hostile or unsolicited deals fail to see completion.

Have Enough Advisers

While it may seem like a unique component to the success of a deal, having the right amount of investment banking advisers can have a significant impact. According to the Cass report, “Adding one extra acquirer financial adviser reduced the probability of deal failure by 11.5%, and adding one extra acquirer legal adviser reduced the probability of deal failure by 8.0%.” Considering how complex these deals can be, it quickly begins to make sense that the more the merrier.

Cash is Everything

M&A deals can be structured in any number of different ways – stock swaps, assumption of debt or otherwise. But when it comes right down to it, the type of deal that seems to have a greater probability of sticking is one that’s done in cash. In fact, in four out of the last five M&A cycles between 1992-2016, cash-only deals had a lower failure rate than those using other forms of payment. Because share prices can have wild fluctuations, an acquisition tied to a company’s stock faces greater risk. That is all but eliminated with the stability of cash.

Successful M&A Case Studies from SmartRoom

Another way to help keep deals together is with the use of a virtual data room – sometimes called VDRs. Because any M&A deal has so many disparate components, the due diligence portion is where deals can be finalized or fall apart. Reviewing everything from employee information to contracts to financial documents can reveal so much about a company, whether it’s properly valued and any number of other operational or financial issues. This information is increasingly being stored and shared in a secure virtual data room. The advantages of virtual data rooms over systems like file sharing platforms or cloud storage are their bank-grade security, real-time content management tools and workflow resources.

One such provider of virtual data rooms is SmartRoom. The firm, which includes Fortune 100 companies like Pfizer, Coca-Cola and Citigroup among its clients, provides the VDR that the modern enterprise is looking for. It offers multi-layered security, integration with leading software programs and an intuitive interface that means any new user can be up and running in no time. And it does it all at a fraction of the cost of other providers.

Learn more about how SmartRoom’s virtual data room can make the difference in getting your M&A deals done here.


The Premier Virtual Data Room for your Corporate Contingency Planning

SmartRoom is the ONLY fully secure Virtual Data Room (VDR) provider which was borne from the restructuring and bankruptcy process, leveraging a dedicated BMC Group Restructuring team to create a customized experience that has saved our clients millions of dollars and hundreds of hours.

We would like to provide you with our SmartRoom virtual dataroom completely risk free to assist in your process and we will not invoice for the VDR until and unless the sale or fund raising process is completed. No other VDR provider is willing to take that risk.

We also provide additional data and information management services supporting restructurings. If the company engages with BMC Group to provide those services as well, we will waive the SmartRoom fee. We are the only restructuring professionals that have their own top-tier, full service, virtual data room product and can offer this flexible pricing and the realization of greater process efficiencies.

For over 17 years, BMC Group’s information management team has facilitated some of the most important divestiture, restructuring and contingency planning projects in North America;

  • WR Grace
  • Graceway Pharmaceuticals
  • Washington Mutual
  • Los Angeles Clippers

Premier Provider

SmartRoom has hosted some of the world’s largest restructuring and bankruptcy transactions in recent years. We have been selected over competitors by some of the largest financial institutions across the U.S. and Europe due to our dedicated team, significant experience in the space, customized user experience, and customized pricing structures. As a result of the efficiencies and saved money we have been able to produce for our clients, SmartRoom has become known as the premier provider of virtual data rooms for the corporate strategic market.

Need more flexible terms?

SmartRoom knows that you are likely paying too much with your current VDR providers. BMC Group understands cash flow and surprise payments for VDRs can be only a small drop in the big picture – but an important one. Also, a VDR shouldn’t be difficult to use, it should be flexible enough to easily accommodate multiple processes and levels of access in any refinancing, restructuring or asset transactions.

Over 2,000 corporate entities couldn’t be wrong. Leverage the vast experience of the only virtual data room provider that can offer you a complete array of restructuring-specific data management tools and services, supporting all parts of the restructuring process.

BMC Group’s service has been outstanding because of their consultative approach to helping solve our problems. Not only have their industry-leading methodologies and results-oriented approach been critical to the success of our restructuring, but it was all done with remarkable value that matched or beat their competitors!

John Bellamy, President & CRO – Graceway Pharmaceuticals, LLC

For more information about BMC Group’s services, please see http://bmcgroup.com/restructuring-bankruptcy/

Key SmartRoom Features

  • SmartRoom is the only fully secure data room, giving you the ability to remotely expire documents from a user’s desktop to ensure all data is purged once your strategic event ends.
  • Files accessed from SmartRoom maintain data encryption down to the user’s desktop which means documents can still be viewed offline while still maintaining full security and reporting.
  • SmartRoom boasts the absolute best service in the industry, acting as an extension of your team. We look at every process individually and provide a consultative and customized approach to ensure your strategic event runs as efficiently and securely as possible.
  • SmartRoom’s service team is 24/7 and every person you speak with is a SmartRoom employee. We outsource nothing
  • SmartRoom is the only vdr that grants you the power to view the data room from the perspective of the end-user, allowing you to ensure security and efficiency across the platform
  • SmartRoom treats every process with the individual attention it deserves and that means pricing too. We don’t try to jam you into pre-configured pricing but instead work to fully understand your process and then structure pricing that works for both parties
  • SmartRoom is available in 11 languages
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