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Virtual Data Room Comparison – Do I Really Need a VDR? – SmartRoom

Virtual Data Room Comparison – Do I Really Need a VDR? – SmartRoom

Do I Really Need a Virtual Data Room? Comparing Data Rooms to Sites like DropBox

The worldwide virtual data room (VDR) market is expected to more than double in size to nearly $1.9 billion by 2022, this according to MarketsandMarkets. Driven by a combination of robust M&A activity, technological improvements and changing business practices, these highly secure systems for storing and managing sensitive data are streamlining how transactions are conducted.


Virtual Data Room Benefits | What a Virtual Data Room is For

Virtual Data Room Benefits | What a Virtual Data Room is For

In 2017, the number of data breach incidents in the U.S. hit a record high of 1,579 breaches (ITRC). This number indicates a nearly 44% increase over the record high figures reported for 2016. The best method of preventing a data breach is to ensure your data is adequately secure. Many businesses, however, make the mistake of sharing and storing sensitive data via email or other cloud services that do not guarantee encryption. It’s not surprising, then, that these unsecured spaces have become easy targets for hackers. It’s currently estimated that the average cost of a data breach in the U.S. is $3.62 million, a staggeringly high figure that should make any business wary of a cyber attack.


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