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M&A Broker vs. M&A Advisor – SmartRoom

M&A Broker vs. M&A Advisor – SmartRoom

The mergers and acquisitions market is poised to reach near-record levels in 2018. As discussed previously, Washington’s pro-business stance and tax reform have been driving forces in this growth. Now with mega-mergers, where the value is $5 billion or more, it’s almost a foregone conclusion those businesses involved will use big name Wall Street investment banks to advise them on the transaction. But for smaller deals, especially those in the $500,000 to $500 million range, it’s still important to get sound financial advice. For those companies, the choice often comes down to M&A brokers versus M&A advisors. So what’s the difference between the two, and how will you know what’s right when it comes to your transaction?


Private Equity Request Demo Page

Private Equity Request Demo Page

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Megadeal or Mega-Bust?

Just last month, Sprint and T-Mobile shook up the cell phone industry as the two decided to merge in what’s an estimated $26 billion deal. This combination was years in the making and immediately makes the entity a major player in the sector, rivaling AT&T and Verizon.


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