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Healthcare M&A Activity is Rising.  What are the Implications?

Healthcare M&A Activity is Rising. What are the Implications?

While entertainment mega-mergers like AT&T/TimeWarner and Disney/Fox are dominating the business news headlines, the implications of tax reform and other policies from the Trump administration are changing the merger landscape for all types of industries. One sector that’s experiencing significant consolidation, a lot of it “under the radar,” is healthcare.


Virtual Data Room Comparison – Do I Really Need a VDR? – SmartRoom

Virtual Data Room Comparison – Do I Really Need a VDR? – SmartRoom

Do I Really Need a Virtual Data Room? Comparing Data Rooms to Sites like DropBox

The worldwide virtual data room (VDR) market is expected to more than double in size to nearly $1.9 billion by 2022, this according to MarketsandMarkets. Driven by a combination of robust M&A activity, technological improvements and changing business practices, these highly secure systems for storing and managing sensitive data are streamlining how transactions are conducted.


M&A Broker vs. M&A Advisor – SmartRoom

M&A Broker vs. M&A Advisor – SmartRoom

The mergers and acquisitions market is poised to reach near-record levels in 2018. As discussed previously, Washington’s pro-business stance and tax reform have been driving forces in this growth. Now with mega-mergers, where the value is $5 billion or more, it’s almost a foregone conclusion those businesses involved will use big name Wall Street investment banks to advise them on the transaction. But for smaller deals, especially those in the $500,000 to $500 million range, it’s still important to get sound financial advice. For those companies, the choice often comes down to M&A brokers versus M&A advisors. So what’s the difference between the two, and how will you know what’s right when it comes to your transaction?


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