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Virtual Data Room Mobile App – SmartRoom

Virtual Data Room Mobile App – SmartRoom

SmartRoom Virtual Data Room Mobile App INTRODUCING THE MOBILE APP Wherever You Go, Take Your Virtual Data Room With You. Money never sleeps, and deal-making never stops, which is why you need your data room accessible whenever, wherever.   The SmartRoom mobile...


SMARTLOCK   EXTENDING INFORMATION SECURITY BEYOND THE DATA ROOM Traditional data rooms can keep your information secure inside their environment, but what happens if data needs to be downloaded or shared by a user?  These solutions are no longer able to ensure...
The Difference Between Virtual Data Rooms and Google Drive

The Difference Between Virtual Data Rooms and Google Drive

Before the days of the internet, sensitive information could be locked up in a cabinet in a vault beneath your company building. As long as no one blew a hole in a wall or could breach extensive personal and corporate security systems, that manilla folder would stay put and no one could see it. You’d know if someone breached security, and you’d know what they saw.

Sensitive corporate information is rarely stored in manilla folders anymore. Employee information, client information, and massive consumer databases full of private information are generally accessible online or in servers. The data is easier to use and manipulate this way. Data breaches are big headlines, and many companies are realizing that they need safe ways to transmit, share, and edit sensitive information from all over the world without letting prying eyes get a glimpse or a download.


The IPO Process: What You Need to Know

The IPO Process: What You Need to Know

The IPO process is one of the most important yet complex events that a growing company will go through. From financial scrutiny by investors, auditors, and regulators to continuous collaboration amongst investment bankers, lawyers, and accountants you must be prepared to manage large amounts of information and accompanying analysis.


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